My sisters boyfriend made a good (obvious) point

I was telling him and my sister about some of the YouTube videos I was watching lately. I new one I discovered is “ cheating death” or “falling off cliffs”. He just said that if you watch lots of videos like that you can get the wrong idea about people. He said if you watch cops shooting people or bullies ko’d you go around thinking everybody in real life is crazy and out to bug you.

And that’s exactly what I think. I was just vacuuming the gym hoping nobody would come in to work out because it always gets crazy and stressful. Always. I tell myself it doesn’t have to be that way but I don’t know what to do when these guys walk in like they own the gym and start slamming weights around or making sounds like they’re having sex while they’re working out. I try not to get caught up in the drama but all it takes is me reacting once and everything goes south and the craziness is on.


People who do that stuff bug me too

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That’s very true, I was watching lots of videos about narcissist’s and then believed everyone around me was a narcissist. Which then helped lead me to psychosis

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