She won’t agree to a group home and she now wants to go back to the place she was running away from. She said that when it comes to her getting better or her dogs, she’d live in a tent and live with her dogs. She’s mad that she couldn’t mooch of us. She’s mad that I have schizophrenia and she’s not getting what she wanted. I can’t believe she hung up and said she’ll just go back to her daughter. Who’s been paying for everything and going to high school. She got defensive. I guess she’ll calm down soon. Why do people do this?
What does your sister have? What kind of home was she in before? How is her high school aged daughter able to pay for everything?
She has a job at Wendy’s. And she uses all her child support and her daughter’s insurance to get buy and pay for her dogs. Her daughter has to pay the rent and everything else.
How old is her daughter?
17 15 characters
Well at 17, they wouldn’t bother putting her in the system I don’t think. Otherwise, you could warn your sister in law that she could lose her daughter to the system. What’s your sister in laws diagnosis? What’s wrong with her that she could qualify to stay in a group home?
She has bipolar disorder and she’s currently getting ECT.
Is there a way to petition her for treatment? Is she out of control?
She’s so unstable, she can’t even take care of herself let alone anyone else. She did say she’ll agree to getting an apartment close by and she can be helped to get a job and help her pay her bills. But yeah, no group home she said. She just wanted to be here for free and work the hrs she wanted and have us take on all her debts. It was becoming too much to handle. She should be grateful we got her in a really nice hospital with many, many resources.
Refuse to take on her debt so she’s forced to get help
We’ve been talking to her parents about this. They said they won’t pay anything anymore and she’ll have to face her mistakes. They’re paying for her ticket she got a while back, and my husband took her dogs to the vet, it was $300. Now, she run to an old friend to help her pay rent and car and insurance.
Just keep refusing. She’ll run out of options eventually and be forced to get real help
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