My sister and the nasty things she said

It’s still on my mind.

Last night she got drunk and my partner had to pick her up and drop her home.

The thanks he gets ? Well an array of insults the whole car ride home.

She was saying that we shouldn’t have anymore kids. (We are planning another) she was saying my child is annoying and she never wants kids. That children are annoying. She was complaining that neither of us works. (I have worked in the past for many years however)

She was saying how it’s unfair on my mum that he goes there (once a week) and that she can’t handle it. And she is getting old and shouldn’t be taking care of him. And how we ARENT takiing responsibility for him.

She said she doesn’t care if she never meets anyone.

My mother knows what she did and she has apologised. My mum said she is nasty when drunk and ignore her. But I’m still upset.

I think maybe it came from bitterness or jealousy. I’m actually concerned about her but upset too. She has no need to feel bitter and jealous. She is only 26 and can meet someone


She sounds like a budding alcoholic.

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I hope not cause her dad (my step dad) was a severe alcoholic so it runs in her family.

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Pro-tip: You don’t actually HAVE to associate with your family once you reach the age of majority.

You’re welcome.


I know. I do however want to associate with my mum and at this moment in time my sister lives with her. Drawing boundaries can be very hard. Especially cause I love my family.

If it happens again I may have to take action. I will see how things are over the next few months.

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Good song. Very fitting.

Letting grandparents babysit your baby is normal, expected, and how families have survived since the dawn of time. Most grandparents love babysitting. You are more than capable of caring for and providing for your son.


Sounds to me like there might be some jealousy there.


Thanks @Ninjastar my mum did say when I asked that she loved having him and not to let what she said stop me from letting her have him.

Really appreciate your response.

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I’m offended for you. I’d get some distance from her if at all possible for a while. And if she’s going to insult you the whole time, I wouldn’t be doing any more favors for her for a while

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