My rent doesn't cover all costs!

dad says he’s losing money, mostly because of my high heating costs, he said he won’t raise the rent though, i can’t afford any rent increases, all my money goes to rent and food, none left over for books or clothes.


It seems like both you and your parents are not happy with you living where you do.

Have you applied for housing assistance?

You can live somewhere else,

May not be better, but you won’t have to worry about your parents anymore.

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no i haven’t really looked into housing assistance much, looked a couple years ago though and the only thing that was really available was in my hometown, and i don’t want to move back there. i feel like moving south or west but too poor, i will probably just stay here for winter while considering moving back to my hometown or something. mom and dad actually don’t want me to move far away but they are ok with me being somewhere close in indiana, ohio, or kentucky or something.


Sorry. I only get $700/ month from my disability and my health insurance costs $150 plus copays and coinsurance. I know how you feel


We usually keep the heat a little lower and just wear sweaters or extra blankets to save on heating costs.

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I wish adderall would work for me becauase then I could ‘theoretically’ quit the energy drinks and only pay a 10 dollar or 5 dollar copay a month and have a better financial situation/life.

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Did you try Modafinil. My pdoc wanted to prescribe it but I refused. Maybe I should change my mind.

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I had 1 pill of adderall before in the psych ward and had a bad reaction. I’m also really schizophrenic so I cannot take it and doctors refuse due to liability, licensing, and insurance.

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Thats why I suggested Modafinil, it doesn’t work the same way as Adderall which boosts dopamine too much and can cause psychosis.

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they refused all stimulants for me and I abuse caffeine. I tried strattera before and it was weak.

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