I was bored. i think the beatitudes can apply to anyone whether they believe in God or not. note: i tried to be clear with my voice, and with a tiny bit of enthusiasm but not too much.
I couldn’t hear it, honey, I’m not sure if it’s my computer.
I love The Beatitudes too, especially blessed are they are persecuted for righteousness sake, (I think) for they will know God.
Oops i think theres a sound problem . i will repost. and yes thats a good one i agree
The volume should be good on this one of the 23rd psalm. not as enthusiastic but im focusing on smoothness.
Nope, still no go on volume. Nice pic though.
I heard the psalm reading on my phone but the beatitudes was too soft to hear. You have a nice voice. I struggle with the “thou” s and prefer newer versions but it sounded great.
Thanks daze, and yes I agree I prefer the new king James which removes all that stuff
Are you pursuing religious studies more seriously? I hope it offers you an alternative avenue toward wellness.
Yeah I’m taking a world religions class online, and trying to read a lot of diff bibles and do Centering Prayer 40 min a day. All of which are helping a lot.
Did u say you were or are catholic?
I tune into Catholic radio, but I haven’t gone in awhile to church.
I like the children’s Mass on Wednesday mornings during school session.
You get to shake hands with all the kids, and they usually have a theme.
I’ve written a great deal of religious works. I’m proud of it.
is that local? id wanna listen to catholic radio but dont know where to find it. i know they have a christian rock station here in st louis…
K-love is a good one, but I listen local, it’s Moody Radio out of Chicago. I sometimes listen Sunday morning for Mass and I can do dishes, cook, or paint while it’s on. I might look into getting communion delivered to me.
I’m sort of a shut in with my son.