My psychosis can it tell the future?

You read too much into random events. That is a sure sign of mental illness. When for whatever reason you snap out of it, be it medication, grounding, or other kinds of treatment, you will look back at these experiences… differently.

I actually predicted, verifiably, important events in other people’s lives. However it wasn’t an ability, as I thought it was, it was just lucky guesses. It is very dangerous to give these kind thoughts any room whatsoever.

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I used to rehearse conversations with people in my head becuase I struggle somewhat with socialising. Sometimes I’d have the exact conversation word for word with the person in real that I had rehearsed. Drove me nuts. Hasn’t happened for a good 12 months now though.

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My voices keep telling me that they will go away in 2024-2025. They have been telling that for years. I’m already expecting to be disappointed in a couple of years though.

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a part of human evolution was our use of pattern making and predicting the future–but by this i mean analyzing the world and likelihood or statistic of a possibility. Psychosis doesnt seem to relate to telling the future–psychosis is a disconnection from reality so more likely it would have no connection to the future or be more the opposite by a false prediction or less likely and yet the future isnt set in stone–so you could be psychotic and get lucky like you got heads not tails when you flipped a coin. there is chance, chaos or random–you can read a label on a package that is a label on a different package- does this mean its connected because its the same word? it could just be a word applied to something that has no connection to the other one. a word is a word–its not a real thing or fact. thoughts arent facts beliefs arent facts. i struggle with it too—but I am more so precise at predicting things that may or may not happen. when i was little i practiced memory games.

there is also this called time im still not sure what the difference is between the past and the future–I studied a bit of chaos theory and quantum reality stuff–its possible all events could be happening at the same time on a quantum level we have yet to understand fully the science of the universe

in 2007 or 8 i envisioned the entire day of my 2010 car crash. i also sang a song i wouldnt hear again until 2013 without ever having heard it.

the human mind is amazing and we dont have the full scope of whats possible. not to lead you to believe in things that are symptoms. that wadnt my intent here.

When I had symptoms I would set a timer and be able to predict within seconds when it would go off.

I used to be able to see the future and hear other people thoughts and remote view then I got put on medication

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