Hello, my psychiatrist told me that it is no longer necessary to take the antipsychotic. Despite having had several psychotic breakouts.
It turns out that my parents realized that I was not taking the antipsychotic and we went to the psychiatrist. I commented to the psychiatrist that when suspicious ideas came, i took 4 mg of rivotril instantly, that is, when the psychotic break began gradually. I told him that and I thought he was going to take me for crazy but no. He told me that many schizophrenic patients, some of them, have the ability to realize when the psychotic break is approaching and that he has and had many patients who do the same thing that I do.
He allowed me to continue with this method, but we made a deal. In case of failure with the rivotril, he will give me an injectable of abilify.
There are studies that indicate that anxiolytics in high doses, since they reduce the activity of the nervous system, work in psychotic breakouts, but they do not recommend them because of the risk.
So I write this to see what do you think and also to help, in case there is someone who happens the same as me.
Sorry if some part of the text is not understandable, it is that I am Argentine and I use the google translator.
I wish I could go live in the United States. My country is very poor and I don’t have a job. There are still people here who vote communism, so imagine.
The quality of life in Canada is good.
In my country the law of supply and demand is still debated XD. I have relatives in other European countries, maybe I can travel in the future. Imagine that I am 27 years old and I don’t have a job. My country is pitiful.