My pharmacy can't get my Haldol - HELP!

So talked to Dr M today for about 15 minutes. She said there is a shortage of the depot injection as well so that is not an option. She was not able to locate any 10s or 20s so we’re going to be decreasing the Haldol to conserve tablets, and adding probably Geodon next week.

For the next five days, I am to decrease my Haldol to 20 mg, decrease my Lexapro to 5 mg from 10 because of potential cardiac effects when Geodon is added, take Propranolol every day, and make sure I take my full 1 mg of Klonopin (0.5 twice a day).

She wants me to check in with her next Wednesday, at which point she is probably going to add Geodon 20/20 into the mix to supplement the Haldol. I’ve been on it before and it made me really tired at 80/80 but maybe 20s won’t be as bad. I’m open to it.

She said originally the manufacturer shortage was to last through March and they’re currently saying Jan 28. Hopefully the date will improve as we get closer, but if not we can always go up on Geodon.

I feel a lot better than i did yesterday, though I’m terrified of hallucinating on only 20 mg of Haldol over the next five days. I really don’t want to end up in the hospital!