Everyday I am going to eat a semi-healthy breakfast and supper and then for a lunch everyday I am going to have a pack of lifesavers. That will be a fat free lunch
I’ve been skipping lunch for a while and it doesn’t seem to have been working… maybe it is all the ice cream.
I have never eaten breakfast. I skip it every day.
That would give you either too much sugar or chemicals to be called a “lifesaver”
Why not stick with something healthy like a piece of real fruit?
or better yet, a stick of celery with peanut butter inside~ delicious and filling.
here’s my new strategy for losing weight: eat everything.
just kidding
and exercise more…right?
today I walked over 5 miles
Be like the runway super models and have a tic tac for supper.
More smaller meals i believe helps maintain a higher metabolism and helps loose weight and is healthier for you then skipping meals. Try eating 7 meals a day of very small portions. Lots of healthy foods and lean meats, raw veggies and fruits, cut out the carbs and sugars. And keep exercising. Easier said then done on my part, i need to drop 25lbs so i can fit my damn clothes again. Im down to 2 pairs of jeans that still fit. Staying motivated to continue my exercise regiment during the cold winter months is my main problem.
i’ll do 25 push-ups right now. say the word