My new pastor sent me a nice email

He helped me more than my therapist or pdoc did. I can’t really get into it much because of the religion. It’s just nice to know that someone is thinking about you.


That’s great Mike! I’m real good friends with my pastor.

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Glad to hear it. Thanks @Natron. He basically said I’m not out of Grace with God after telling him what I was concerned about. I’ve only been to his church twice and don’t know him very well yet. He seems nice though, but busy. It only took him an hour to respond to me though.

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I forwarded the email to my therapist to review, and my case manager said he agreed with it too. My case manager is encouraging me to go to his church.

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Good for you, spirituality is important. Body = exercise/diet, mind=straight messages and spirit = religious beliefs.

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I was friend with the son of our pastor. The pastor, my friend’s father, died recently from covid as he was against the vaccine and never got vaccinated. My parents went to his funeral, I was going to go with my brother but we decided to stay home to avoid covid as there is lots of ppl there.

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As far as I know my pastor is vaccinated. They encourage everyone to get vaccinated. I don’t know much about him personally though.

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I never really found a good church for myself after my last one so I know how hard it is to find one that accepts you for our diagnosis. Good for you!


Thanks @ArcSaber. Sorry for the last reply. I conked out and slept until 10:15am. I just woke up. I know what you mean about finding a good church that will accept you.

My last post should read sorry for the “late” reply.

Thanks @anon53623539

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Its too hard for me to go to church with this illness so I try to do online church but I’ve only attended once

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Thanks but I don’t think it’s allowed for me to comment on your post.

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The moderators are probably allowing it because it’s about my pastor emailing me, and finding a church that supports people with Sz/SzA diagnosis.

I’ve been going to church for years now, but recently moved and had to find a new church on a bus route where I’m at. I don’t have a car or driver’s license anymore.

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I told the pastor at the Baptist church in my town that I saw God 25 years ago.
He didn’t think it was anything unusual and just continued the discussion about religion. I still believe that I saw a representation of God in my hallucination, as a loving and understanding father that my biological father never was.

Thanks @Simonw. I could say the same thing as you did, as I have had religious hallucinations and also delusions as well, mainly about the dark side of things, thinking witches were after me and such. I don’t think you need to throw the baby out with the bathwater though spiritually because of your religious hallucinations or delusions. That’s why I started going to church again after I was stable (Methodist).

I also used drugs when I was a young man but am clean now. Currently I am an alcoholic (attending AA) and have been sober for five months now.

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Going to church is fine if the pastor and the congregation are genuine and honest in what they say about God. It doesn’t always matter what the denomination is, or every pastor would create a new denomination than work with an existing one.
Lots of people who have mental illness try drugs and alcohol to feel better for a little while. Don’t be harsh on yourself when you do something to reduce your suffering.

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