I don’t know the damage to mine at this point. I’ve been in my car parked down the road for several hours. It’s all very scary and I’m not sure if they will call me or what. 911 has my number. This pic is when I saw it just after the first explosion. Cleo my pup is with me but bella ran away. I hope she is ok.
Oh god, how scary! I hope everyone is okay!
Oh wow. That’s awful! Stay safe with your pup.
oh wow, i hope youre doing okay @FatMama . dont worry
That’s crazy, Hope you find your other dog.
My house wasn’t damaged thankfully. Bella the cat was waiting by the deck door. She’s kind of freaked out but okay. I’m glad to be home and in bed. I still feel like crap. Thankfully my neighbor only suffered minor injuries.
That’s terrible. Hope everyone is ok, pets included.
Hope everyone is ok
Okay, It was a cat, Good to hear it’s okay.
Geez, that’s terrifying. I’m glad you and your pets and house are OK. I’m very sorry for your neighbor.
Thats as close as one want to get to a house fire, could have been much worse, hope you are safe now
That’s horrible, I am glad you are safe.
Glad no one was hurt.
Homes can be replaced.
Oh no that’s awful!
I’m glad everyone’s okay
Just talked to the neighbors boyfriend. She is doing physically ok but really shaken up.
This is scary!
I’m glad that you and your pets are safe.
I hope that your neighbor is ok.
Oh man that’s a lot of damage.
Reminds me of the garage fire at my house a couple of years ago.
It doesn’t show in the pic but half the roof is completely gone