My neighbors have the iq of gnats

Seriously everyday the same ■■■■. Its sunday so i cant do jack. This behavior is from listening to rumors.i spent the night at my dads and a guy stood outside yelling hoe at me for a few minutes and proceeded to say i slept around with people he knows. Anyway , at 5am next morning the girl who lived next door started yelling hoe through my dads wall after what that guy said to her. Gtfo. Really. I’m a goddamned paranoid schizophrenic i don’t trust people.

The above happened two years ago. What the ■■■■ makes me so special that they have to ■■■■■■■ do this

I’d recomend recording it when it happens and play it back HT Recorder is a phone app that is good

I’m sorry this is happening. I think it’s possible it’s not real, but either way I hope it stops, it’s none of their business and you’re just a regular person as far as your sexuality.

I know it’s really happening because my external voices are not that loud. The neighbors are really ■■■■■■■ loud. That the difference. If it was really low pitch or even a whisper then I would know it’s my voices

Record it to prove it to yourself. Do you have a smartphone or anyway of recording things?

I downloaded the titanium recorder

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If other people can hear it, maybe it’s a thing. But either way, it’s really none of their business.

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I get what you’re saying about volume but it is possible to have loud auditory hallucinations too

It’s possible but I can hear it coming from their apartment everyday. I know my voices well. They don’t call me whore or anything of the sort. Not everything is because of sz.

Maybe you do have idiots for neighbors but with neighbors I’m always suspicious it’s voices since that has been my experience. Especially if your under some kind of stress

Well tonight I’m running the recorder. They usually yell around that time and move furniture

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If it helps at all, my relatives got sued in small claims for making noise and they genuinely did not know what the person was talking about. It was probably sz. Since they were at work at the time of the noise.

Yeah moving furniture and yelling through my ceiling. Stomping… Idk

Yeah this sounds similar.

Not sure what to tell you, but if they say they have no idea what you’re talking about, that might be what it is.

They’re not going to admit that they have been yelling at me. That’s why im getting them on my recorder.

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It’s a good idea. Just if no one else you can trust can hear it, it might not be the neighbors doing it.

Please stop saying its my sz, okay. I’m already uncomfortable in my own place.why does everything have to be sz? So people with sz are just hearing ■■■■ when being harassed? It only happens to normies. The day that guy yelled who’re through my ceiling as loud as he could ■■■■■■■ startled me.

The thing that concerns me, Roxanna, is that you’ve reported that you’ve had this same experience in other places you live, when you visit people at their houses, when you are in stores, and when you are walking down the street.

That you might encounter one horrible person like this is very likely. I think most people have stories of that one awful neighbor.

But that this seems to happen everywhere you go makes me wonder if perhaps your brain is interpreting sounds in this way - our brains are made to find patterns and fill in the blanks when sensory input isn’t complete. It’s not a hallucination, really. It just may be your brain jumping to incorrect conclusions.


It doesn’t all have to be sz, sometimes people are assh*les. But also, sometimes it is sz.