My nails 2023

@Happy_H the dipped nails kit comes with top coat and I always put that on top after the hardener

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Oh gosh, that sounds like a lot of work! I do the bare minimum. My toes are black for Halloween. I don’t like it; it doesn’t look like me.

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@Happy_H well it’s more complicated than just painting your nails because you have to put liquid 1 on dip the nail on each nail repeat several times I usually do 5+ coats on before the hardener then top coat (regular nail polish doesn’t stay on at all, within an hour they get destroyed)

I admittedly only paint toes except for sparkles sometimes on my fingernails or, every few years, professional painting without acrylics. I can’t stay bent over long enough to keep doing all those steps on my toes. I’m happy if I get 5 toes per foot. That’s a win for me. :grin:

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I hope I can do my nails for December before the year is gone… I’ve lost hope for doing them for November but I have hope for December… Cross your fingers for me…


Your nails look fantastic @Twialine mine get picked away at and are super short due to anxiety!!! Yiiiiikes!

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@anon90992146 thank you

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