My mother died not too long ago

My mother died on September 3 years ago. I have a step-mother now. I like her. I like her personality. She is also a good cook.


I’m really sorry about your mother. She’s in a better place now. It’s nice that your step mom is a good person. I hope you are feeling better

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so sorry you lost your mother…I don’t know how I’m going to handle it when my mom dies…with or without an inheritance…

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I know how you feel @Jake
I lost my Mother this past September.
I miss her so much.


My mom’s a Gen Xer so she’ll be around for awhile. We had quite a scare when she got hit by a car last year. I don’t know what I’d do without her. We promised each other that the first one to go would haunt the other one’s house.

I am sorry for your loss. Thankfully it sounds like you still have good people in your life.


I’m really sorry for your loss too. :frowning:
I lost my mother ten years ago. I felt into depression.

We all suffer with these deaths of loved ones.


Sorry to hear that,
Wouldn’t know what to do without my mother, love her.
All my condolences

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My mom died February 2018. She was in bad shape when she died. She had Alzheimers. They gave her six months to live, and she lived another five months. So it isn’t that she died unexpectedly.

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I’m sorry you lost your mom. It’s hard being on this planet without your mom. I miss my mom everyday and it’s been 7 years now. I’m glad you’re enjoying your stepmom though, that’s good. I’m glad your dad has someone.

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Sorry to hear you lost your mum. Glad you have a good relationship with your step-mother though.

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Glad you have your step mum and that she is a good cook.

Sorry for your loss.

I don’t know how one gets through such a loss but having other loved ones that are alive helps.

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sorry to hea r that jake

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I’m glad you have a stepmother now that you like.

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