I had to get up at 4:00am and take my mom at the hospital for 6:00am. She went into the operating room at 8:00am. The surgery is scheduled for 4 hours. It’s now just after 11:00am local time.
It’s major surgery. She is having part of her sigmoid colon removed, an abscess that is pressing on her intestine is also being removed. She is in her 70’s and surgery for older people is risky. On top of that the doctor said because she will be weak after surgery if she catches Covid while in the hospital she will probably die from it, even though she has been double vaxxed (Moderna). Covid cases have been rising recently.
I’m tired and I’m worried. The surgeon is going to call me after it is over to let me know how it went.
HAHA, that reminds me of when I was around 16 I met this girl from Australia on IRC and we became pen pals, then we started talking on the phone. We use to argue (In a good natured humorous way) whether or not it was Mom (I’m Canadian) or Mum (She argued it was this). And we both pronounced it differently.
So it’s 1:00pm now, the surgery was scheduled to end an hour ago. Now I am worried, I should have heard from the surgeon by now, was there complications?
I just heard from the surgeon, the surgery took them over an hour longer than scheduled. There were complications, things were worse than they thought after they opened her up but the good news is they managed to accomplish everything they needed too and the surgery was a success. However due to the complications her recovery time will be longer than they had anticipated so she may be in the hospital an extra week or so.
That brings me some relief, she is in the ICU recovering now.