My mind is killing me

It makes me think over and over again that I should end my life. I won’t do it but it sure is wearing me down.

Don’t do it. I know the feeling, you can make it past it. I’d recommend calling a suicide help hotline and talking to them about it 1-800-273-8255

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Do you take an ssri? They can help obsessive thoughts…there are options…have a chat to your doc. You don’t need to suffer so ask for some options. Please. Your a good egg and I hate to see you suffering.


I won’t hurt myself. I’m just stuck in a loop

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I take zoloft but maybe it needs to be upped

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Medication can help.
Talk to your dr.
Love :two_hearts: to you.
Hope you feel better soon.


Thank you. I guess I might need to call

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Might pay to change or try too @FatMama. I’ve tried a lot to get to a good space. Don’t settle and it’s always a gamble but sometimes it’s worth a go to try something else. I agree with @SacredNeigh7…talk to your doctor.


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