My Little Song

I’ve played this before for all of you. But I just had a cool brainstorm. I emailed the ditty to a Hearing Aid Company for possible use in TV and Radio spots.

I’m waiting to hear back. Wish me luck!

I really like my little song, and I’m determined to keep pitching it to Companies until I get a hit! I’ll let you know if anything comes of this effort! :sunny:


Wish you success :slight_smile:

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Thanks @HuckFinn!..

Nice sentiments coming from a fellow musician!

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hey bro. i understand the struggle.

Hey , i have some knowledge of web coding… im curious if i could help design the web site we were talking about… Mental Health Artistry ya know… i was thinking of tinkering some pages… what do you think?

i have alotta art i wanna get to… but this idea is a good one :slight_smile:

if youre interested in seeing demo pages i could see about it

Sure, man!

I’d love to see a first draft effort. I’ve been busy, but toying with the name as well.’ sounds like a good start! :sunny:

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Cool I’ll send HTML files soon

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lol… actually ill look into other methods… code is confusing… im getting nowhere

IT WAS TOO LOUD. I probably woke up an old folk or 2. Then hit the back button.

Good luck @Patrick :slight_smile: