has had supposedly terminal cancer for the past 17 years. She is now noticeably much weaker and dizzy and has now gone from using a cane to a walker, albeit reluctantly.
My niece, her daughter, wants me to come out to small town Indiana, where they live, this Christmas because, “we’re all getting older”. I am reluctant because every time I’m around my family, it seems my sza illness acts up and I am miserable the whole time I’m around them. I don’t know what to do. I would have to take a train.
It kinda depends on how much you can stand to be around them. Do you have just enough stamina or tolerance to be around them? in other words you know they may drive you crazy but do have just enough ability to make it through a couple of days with them?
Is it a black and white thing where you know that going there will definitely cause a relapse or is it a grey area where it might make you a little stressed and make your symptoms flare up? I mean the answer seems pretty clear, you know yourself and what your family does to you. If going there is going to put you in the hospital then don’t go.
On the other hand if you can put up with knowing you will be stressed than go. It all depends on what you know you can handle.
It does seem worth making the extra effort, it may be the last chance you have to see your sister. If you know for sure it will cause a breakdown to go on the trip, well you have to decide if you can handle that. It’s kind of a trade off, are you willing to be miserable for the sake of seeing your family?
Maybe prioritise your mental health and peace and say no to visiting her but send her a nice card in the mail with kind words.
That is if seeing her would make you feel worse or so then I think you should prioritise your sanity and peace and health.
You shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for not seeing her.
@SkinnyMe !
Good greetings!
@77nick77 You put it ever so eloquently. You’re someone who truly understands. Thankyou.
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That’s a tempting point @SacredNeigh7
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