Your guitar sounds a lot more “together” than your piano. Keep it up though!
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Thanks !
I played a lot of guitar when I was a teenager unlike the piano.
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I liked every song, this is really awesome!
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A new recording with my novation circuit !
Hi ! Here is a little composition with my MPC live and my Arturia Keystep. This is my very first video on this instrument. I bought the mpc barely a month ago. No sample in my composition but the drum bank comes from the mpc. I hope you enjoy ! I don’t play live, it’s a recording I created before.
A new song 
(Beethoven, Moonlight sonata.)
Excellent work. I am a pianist too but can’t improvise to save my life.
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Thanks Ladybird ! What kind of music do you play ? 
Are you french @DetunedGuitar? The improvisational piece reminds me of good old french synth music
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Thanks Jimbob . Yes I’m french ! No I don’t know french synth music ! 
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Classical music. But I’d like to learn some video game music.
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Would you mean, Dark Wave, Minimal Wave styles.
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I mean like going back to jean Michelle jarre. And then air a bit more recently. And daft punk too. All french I think and all great music
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hi !
In fact I thought you were talking about old music.
Have you listened to Nicolas Godin from the group “Air” (recent albums) ? I like his music very much. I like Wax Taillor too.
At the time, “St germain” was doing good electrojazz. (2000s) 
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I didn’t know the members of Air did solo albums. I saw them play la femme d’argent at sunset during Coachella once. While being held by a great boyfriend.
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