I want to join the Red Army for Revolution. Haven’t been able to get in touch with them
My goal is to have no goals or ambitions. My plan is to stay on SSI and get subsidized housing in 5 years. I will not reproduce or commit any crimes; I will be a model citizen (minus the welfare). Hopefully, I will die in my 50’s from lung cancer or sudden cardiac arrest. I just don’t want to suffer anymore.
Nice and beautiful plan @astefano.
Wish the best for you !.
I too dont want to live more than 42-45 either
My goal is to live wu-wei like @astefano
when i have too many goals i drive myself crazy
idk i dont think im meant for goals. i become obsessed, and then i become bored easily. its like a phase of mania which results in depression, when i make a goal for myself.
I think your life will get much better before then… you’re trying many things, new treatments are becoming available - don’t get so negative. Work to stay positive and keep trying.
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