My life is FAR from perfect

I have boundaries that I do not want but I have them.

it means that I cannot do all the things I want to do.

It means I cannot say all the things I want to say.

the way I want to say

but I can adapt to that imperfect lifestyle

and still be happy

in a strange way

but a real way


what imperfections do you have in your life that you have learnt to live with and still be happy

for me it is my past

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Same here.

Past experiences actually make living with my now collection of diagnoses (Thanks 2020) more palatable …

Sure would be great not to be in this position, but it’s a way better situation than what I was in early on in life.

Sz has made me more humble for sure

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in what way has it made you more humble?

I am not sure if it has done the same for me

yeah i agree i think life is actually better now

in an important way, maybe that is just normal with growing up and maturing a bit

I mean I can relate more to other peoples struggles now, and understand how life can be so difficult and hopeless sometimes for people dealing with whatever it is that’s causing them problems.

Going through the hellish experience of being mentally ill gives you a sort of wisdom and perspective, which I see when I visit here everyday and see the exchange of advice from various people at various stages of ‘recovery’.

I think you can only really understand it if you have been through it yourself. This much seems clear from the health professionals who I have dealt with who think they know, but they don’t.

Only pdoc’s seem to have a half grasp of it from what I have seen

Did I explain right?

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My main imperfection is just how fragile my mind is.

I sometimes entertain the idea of part time work, but I know my limitations better than anyone.

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It is a shame you could not get therapy for the new diagnosis you got.

sorry to hear that.

ok yes I understand you. yeah.

it is just when I think of humbling I think of not overestimating ones own importance so i wonder how you did that. maybe it is just natural to you

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