My life as a corpse

BO, stigma and societal expectations are some of the challenges faced by dead people in late modern societies. We are not so different you and I. Sure, the dead don’t bleed the way the living do, and they don’t experience things the same way, but to proclaim that “there is no life after death” is something of a presumptuous overstatement.

I am dead. Are you?


No, just a little sleepy.

I don’t even believe in life before death.


Naturally. Death adds much needed piquancy to life proceedings. As an old lady once put it - safely from beyond the grave and worldly reproach - “life starts after death”.

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İts better think live your life with maximum pleasure because we will die one day anyway.i think its not necessary to think death while you alive

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But what greater pleasure is there than bringing death’s voluptuous embrace to one’s bosom?

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İ think you are in some kind a mind labyrent at the moment.pleasures are simple.a good dish, one strong coffee at the morning,chit chat with your friends,a good book,a good song,a fun video game some sex and life simple is that.don t be too complicate

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No, not at the moment. Just had some nice Kanna and listening to Herbie Hancock makes me very alive.

You might have been listening too much to that doom metal of yours.

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Petting a kitty. Duh.

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You mean something like this? Actually I’m feeling quite depressed yet I haven’t listened to doom for a fortnight. A link there perhaps?

Do you feel dead @NotSeksoEmpirico?
Do you believe you are actually dead?

Death sounds appealing to me right now.

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Yes, something like that. To heavy metal for me.

Sorry to hear you are depressed at the moment. When im in a bad mood, i listen to dark and sad songs, i guess its a very common way to deal with the darkness within. Listening to Justin Bieber or Ed Sheeran would probably send you directly to a closed mental institution.

Hope things get better for you soon.

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I do not like Heavy Metal, it is somehow depressing. When I lived in my car in Miami I often thought who would miss me if I died. I was occasionally quite depressed, but then I used money and flew to Europe. I think that two years in the auto was enough. I do have also good memories.


I often feel dead and/or believe I’m dead but not in a literal physical sense. I’m not sure what I believe. I’m sorry you’re also struggling.

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Oh I understand @NotSeksoEmpirico
I hope you start feeling better.


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I guess I find metal - particularly doom metal - cathartic and helpful in times of need. Finland has some of the best bands out there

You’re not that unusual for acute sz. I lost my light, my thoughts, even my internal sound, my sense of Self. I have most of my teeth and hair.

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@Jinx I don’t accept my diagnosis - I’m not sick and I’ve never experienced psychosis - but I find your description graphic and compelling

I’m in hell and I don’t take it lightly. Don’t throw yourself into a pit.

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being ‘dead’ was really fun for me, during one of my psychotic episodes

felt like people were real but they actually were not cos i was ‘in another dimension’

very liberating feeling…

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@Mae Death is the ultimate escape, but we need to take care of each other while we’re still around. :slightly_smiling_face:

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