My library

I started a new library as I quit ebook format and gone paper all the way.

This are some of the books I read

Bottom left - some of the books I’ve read in my childhood

Top left - some of the books I’ve read in the last 2 years

Right - diverse books on different topics, mostly which I haven’t read, bought in the last 2 years


You don’t read bro :joy:

Do you even read bro???

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This one you would like

Irvine Welsh - davaistii (junkyist?? În English?)

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I read trainspotting

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Trainspotting has a sequal and a presequal. This Its the presequal I think

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Unnofficial of course but confirmed by welsh

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Reading is calming. I just got me a reading lamp so I will be able to read in the evening. It was about time to get it…after many many years :shushing_face:


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