My Juton play through

Here’s part one…already have the next two parts ready to be edited but its kinda a pain…there’s lots of walking avoiding stuff so I double speeded a lot of it…but the talking and a few of the scenes are so pretty I had to chop them and make them normal speed…anyway enjoy…@Moonbeam @anon84763962 only 2 I know that sit through my videos lol…

I like the accent of the beginning narrator. :sunglasses:

makes me feel warm. :wink: :dark_sunglasses:

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I just started watching. That’s really cool! What language are they speaking? The artwork is really impressive too.

This gaming video is orders of magnitude more interesting and entertaining than the “man sawing the log” video. :smile:


This looks like a really cool game! Not too scary or gory!

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Its the old dialect of Icelandic…closest to what the veekings would have spoken…due to it being a highly defendable island the language wasn’t influenced by the outside much until recently…it sounds so pretty…

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Only problem I had with it…the pool that regens your abilities and health is the pool Odin sacrificed his eye to…to gain knowledge of all…so trigger for me but I don’t think anyone else on here will have a trigger issue with any of the game…


Part 2 is uploading now…spoiler alert…there will will be dwarves…and I get lost but I quadruple sped that crap up…its edited and being rendered and uploaded now…will post a link shortly…

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i really liked the first video. During the portions that were sped up, the icelandic narration sounded like the chipmunks. :smile:

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This was a fun map…I still got lost some how…whatever lol…the dwarf parts made me laugh…what is a giant dwarf called anyone know? Part 3 is being uploaded now…stay tuned… My loyal fans…mostly @Moonbeam lol…I think I cut out all the loading screens and slowed it down to proper speed when narration came on…on these last 2 anyway…


i liked the second video too. :relaxed:

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Part 3…the roots of the tree of life…apparently its a giant slip n slide…also edited out the 10 mins of me studying this map so I didn’t get lost…the in game map is just a …map…no here’s where your player is spot…so it actually looks like I know what I’m doing mostly in this one… @anon84763962 idk what time it is in Aussie land but here’s some vids for later…or whenever…

Having a bad watcher so that’s why I’m playing editing and uploading clips instead of sleeping…might end up beating the game before they let me go to bed…

I was wondering why you were up so late. Hopefully you can get to sleep soon.

I was just watching the third video. My little dog woke up because of all the whooshing sounds on the slides. :smile:

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Part 4 ymirs blood…the creation story…might do one more…serequels kicking my butt now…


I really like this game. I like that you have to figure out paths to discover parts of a story. It’s really enjoyable watching you play and it makes me want to go out and buy a PS4 and the game so I can play it.

Is it as relaxing for you to play as it is for me to watch?


Its a wonderful game…its out on everything Playstation Xbox Wii and pc…its pretty laid back…minus I think 2 of the levels…and the bosses…fighting veeking jutons sucks…I’d never make it out of viking purgatory in real life…even with all the added powers…

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Oh so the story is that your character is stuck in Viking purgatory and he has to learn the stories to get him out?

What is the characters name? I didn’t know it was also on pc. I might be able to play it because I can’t really afford a ps4 at the moment.

On steam its like 4 bucks right now I think…her name is thora…she must prove her worth to the gods by defeating basically the viking titans…I think the story parts just add atmosphere and background to the locations and chars…mostly because were not all so well versed in the stories…


Info about the game at (w/ a link to buy the game on Steam)

Hey Flame. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lol ooooo advertising…did you ask an admin first lol…even if it is a steal…I paid 11 for it while it was on sale in the PlayStation store…if I didn’t like it so much I’d be upset…