My Interview

I had a job interview today. It’s for the Belgian Government’s department of finance.

It was online via Microsoft Teams and took 50 min. On the other side there was the chairman and 2 associates.

I hope I have the job. They told me it will take a month to inform me of the result. Long wait.


Best of luck with it !


Yes good luck. Do you apply for more jobs or do you just wait ?


Good luck with the results. Either way kudos to you for giving it a go

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I have 2 applications for the department of finance. One at bachelor’s level and one at master’s level. This one was at BSc level. I passed the CV screening, pc tests and this was the final stage. For the one at MSc level I’m still awaiting the outcome of the PC tests.


That is a different level as applying for bakersjob. I knew straight away if the bosses give me a go or not .

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It’s a formal process. No way to be sure that you passed, but I could answer all there questions.

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Best of luck to you, @Jonathan2! I hope it works out!

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All the best @Jonathan2 :smiley:

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good luck @Jonathan2
i hope you will get the job!
how did it go?

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It went well, but you’re never sure. I will know if I have the job in February.


Good luck! I hope you get the job


Best of luck to you!

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Best of luck to you. The suspense would kill me, that is an awfully long time to have to wait for an answer.

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I know. But here it’s typical for Government jobs that they have very long selection procedures. I applied for this job in October already.

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