My ill friends dont like my zyprexa

Look pals… we’ve been trying all the 11 available aps here on the market for ten years… I never turned happy with any of them or got better in my quality of life… only the zyprexa keeps me on my feet during the day…
Ok, now I am on my feet, I fight now but I am still very unhappy in my life… but since a year, I am trying every single effort yeah… I feel a bit less in pain though than before. I am less ill too I find…
But my friends see me still as numb and slow, while they get men in their lives, they get jobs while me I have nothing still…
One friend today praised to me her fluanxol…
But my ex pdoc said, that I should stop switching aps and that in her opinion, zyprexa is the best for me… but this was years ago when my doc stated this and everyone now seems to hate the zyprexa… my ill friends hate the lows from it… but in the same time, they were never scared of everything like I was it… my feeling now is that I need the calming of this zyprexa… plus my illness is chronical, not by episodes…
I should switch my zyprexa to something else or what? This fluanxol didnt calm me in the past though…
I will also post a thread about this deadness in the illness these days… but it’s another story…
Tbh, my current pdocs see some small improvement now compared to the severe case that I was… its partly because of my treatment, but my efforts too. No matter what, I am still sick in my mind and I dont know if it’s a good idea to switch to fluanxol now…
Am I wrong to wait to erase my symptoms in years here for me? To stop doing these efforts and to believe some fluanxol now, which works in months only for another girl, who never saw the sh** that I saw in my life?? Well, idk if it was a choice to rely on my efforts now… but it’s what makes me a bit happier now…but it’s also hard to see other people ultra happy in their lives, praising their meds for it, while me, I fight the sh** alone now, only with some maintain of zyprexa, not really a “full” help…

Zyprexa has been very good to me. I didn’t want to take it simply because of all the bad press on weight gain etc but I’ve actually lost in the long run so that wasn’t the issue.

Everyone has an opinion but you learn what works for you. You need to please yourself and your function first and a good shrink gets an idea of what is working for you.

I’d be reluctant to change these days as I’ve tried in the past and I came unstuck.


i don’t think you should listen to others about what med is best. If your doctor thinks the zyprexa is best for you then i’d keep taking it. Especially since you tried the other APs already like you said.


I just wonder if i should seek more meds until full recovery or i should accept, that zyprexa helps some minimum and that the rest is up to me now? Tbh, some meds made me crazier. Yeap, we’ve tried all the other aps and my doc said that the zyprexa helps me the most and that its not good to switch aps like this anymore…
I guess i am just different than some other ill people… some of my friends are pulled out of the ‘‘hole’’ in months with the meds, but maybe my case is special?.. Its just that sometimes still it gets lonely to ‘‘pay these efforts’’ and not waiting anymore more from the meds…
Its just that my sick friends find the zyprexa way too smashing, way too sedating, but me, i feel almost nothing on it lol… I also wonder if i didnt turn a bit psychopatic tbh, i guess thats why the meds cant help me on all lol…

I think you should discuss this with your dr. Maybe they can add something or raise your dose

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