My goals for this week

-love more people and forgive my abusers.
-be kind and courageous.
-work on trauma to beat phobia around making friends
-accept that there are good people around
-work on emotion regulation (thanks, cptsd…)
-do not fear incompetency because you are ok just the way you are
-accept love
-study hard and pass the exam
-finish the Canadian course on sociology

Kind of a mixture of long term goals and short term goals. I hope I accomplish it all.

Thanks for supporting me.


Heck, I haven’t even made that many goals in my entire lifetime. That’s a lot of goals!

It really narrows down to two goals: 1. Pass the exam and… 2. Beat trauma

It’s just in a lot of detail

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Well, here’s hoping you are successful. As AA says, “Progess, not perfection.”

Right. As humans, we can never be perfect.

Also…I just scored top 2 percentile in a regional mock test. I’m elated.


Well, hopefully it’s a precursor of things to come.

It’s 19% higher than my previous mock test result. I hope it means that I am prepared for this test.

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What is the test for?

University entrance exam

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Wishing you well on your test. :sunflower:

My goals for this week.

Go for walks.
Shower every other day.
Get back into my warhammer hobby.

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