My girlfriend has this really creepy, male roommate, and I’ve never liked him because he’s a moocher, but I think he’s also a spy. Ever since I was sexually assaulted in 2014, the guy who did it has been watching me with all these different spies at work and at school, and even at synagogue. I’m scared of them, but I want to hurt them too. I don’t want to hurt my girlfriend’s roommate because he’s her best friend, and she likes him a lot as a person, but I don’t want him to rape me like he’s going to. I asked her if he’s a spy, and she says no, but I don’t believe her. I’m scared that our entire relationship is just part of a conspiracy for the guy who assaulted me to finish the job.
Hey, you posted this under unusual beleifs to a part of you knows this is not true. Our minds play tricks on us, and make us believe things that aren’t true.
I’m sorry you were sexually assaulted, and maybe the guy reminds you of whoever did it, but it’s not the same person.
It’s highly doubtful he’s a spy, and your girlfriend is not part of some conspiracy. Be assured that that is a delusion.
Have you discussed this with your pdoc? You definitely should call your treatment team and tell them about it.
I called my psychiatrist today, but she hasn’t called me back. I post everything under Unusual Beliefs because there’s always some condescending jerk who’s like, “this is a delusion, sweetie! you’re nuts!” and it makes me doubt my own perceptions of what I know to be real. I talked to my therapist about it today, but she just blew me off.
Well, if you’re in a delusion, it’s good people tell you what is it, it’s good that you doubt, being certain of a delusion is worse don’t you think?