My fridge went out and all my food went bad

I’m so mad, my fridge went out and all my food went bad, I was only able to save things like the pickles, butter and condiments everything else I was too weary of and had to throw away. And I can’t afford to replace the food either :cold_sweat:


I’m sorry @Hanna_Foxx

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Hey Hanna, do you have anyone that you could ask for help?

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I am sorry this happened to you. :tropical_fish::tropical_fish::tropical_fish:

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I might ask my parents if they could give me $40-50 so I can buy some food


that’s a good idea, or if they have any spare food they could maybe share it with you, i usually keep some spare food in my cupboards in case of an emergency.


My parents live 1500 miles from me

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I’m sorry that happened @Hanna_Foxx.



I’m so sorry.


Sorry to hear. Maybe you can go to a food bank and see if they can help you out?


Oh that’s absolutely horrible.

Maybe a food pantry can help you out.

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im sorry this happened

i get most of my groceries from a food pantry

you can probably google the closest one or look on facebook as that is
where my pantry advertises

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This happebed to me recently. It was a nightmare.Some good folks helped me replace what I lost. Maybe so e of your friends could pitch in a few bucks to get you by? Maybe hit a food pantry, some give out meat and dairy.

Also, check your fridge coils. They get very dusty and that makes the condenser not work properly. Try cleaning them and then see if that helps. That fixed mine. A fridge should run 10 to 14 years.

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Thank you @anon4362788. I’m in an apartment so they replaced the fridge for me thankfully. The fridge was from 1980s so super old.


Wow yeah, that’s old.

With the new one clean the coils every 6 months and it’ll last a long time.

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You don’t have to depend on the food bank permanently, you can just go a couple times as needed. There’s nothing to feel ashamed or guilty about for using a food bank. Most of them screen their clients so if you qualify under their rules then just accept the help until this temporary setback is fixed.


Most food banks in my area only accept you if you qualify for SNAP or EBT or already have an EBT card. I no longer have EBT because I barely don’t qualify


A lot of food banks around here are the same way. But I found several that just give you food if you need it without SNAP or an EBT card. Maybe do a search online for food banks like that.

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