i took an aerospace course. i was thinking it would be hard or something, but it was the biggest joke of a class. it was like a ROTC class, and i remember for the final we had to learn all the different ranks for the air force haha and were tested on them. i thought it would be about flying, it was not haha. one of the few classes i went to and passed easily.
If you ever sign up to fly jets your training will be a lot harder.
it was a long walk i remember, i had a hard time finding the place the first day, in a section of the campus i never returned to after that class.
i also remember taking finite math, psychology 101, criminal justice, and health haha. i enrolled for a 3rd semester, never went to a single class, never dropped the courses. extreme social anxiety got to me, i stayed in all the time, once i moved off campus.
i ended up renting a place with some friends of mine, and living there for 3 years delivering pizzas. then hurricane katrina happened, and dad asked me if i wanted to go along with a group of volunteers to clean up and help build shelters with the church. i agreed and never went back. got a job when i moved back in with mom and dad, two jobs actually, and all my money went to paying debts for awhile.
mom wishes i would have stayed close and played basketball at this division 3 school. she thinks i would have finished school if i did, and not have done so much partying. which is probably true, but tuition would have been way more expensive.
speaking of basketball. before i delivered pizzas i was a cashier at fazoli’s. i remember dj white walked in one time all 6’10 of him. and i said great game last night. haha. he said thanks, he played in the nba for awhile.
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