For storming through here last night or so. That was bad whew. Really quit storming
Congrats. Jk. Got my first flag a few ago.
Are you feeling better today?
Yeah I’m doing better. I wish I still had my clonazepam.
People might be surprised (or not) but I have a bunch of flags. Easily more than a couple dozen. Usually it’s an offensive (to them) joke. A lot of times people just don’t get the joke and take me seriously and flag it.
I even got suspended once.
Damn, I should start my own religion. Bow down before me and I’ll be the next president. Damn, I rule.
What’s a flag? Is that like someone reporting you or something?
Yes. You could be suspended too.
Hey we all have bad days. You are okay. Don’t feel bad.
I love 99% of your jokes. But you do crack me up a lot.
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