My favourite or fovorite video+audio song, awesome song and the girl is too beautiful too good to be true

My favourite or fovorite video+audio song, awesome song and the girl is too beautiful too good to be true.

And yes, this is recovery so I chose “Health and Recovery”.

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Laugh out loud


all smiles

Moved to Lounge. :rolling_eyes:

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smiling and nothing else

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Downloaded the video using and listening to the audio by looping it on vlc media player.

I posting the universal all important truth and my signature once again… here it is…

Hey way how are u…!!! Have u start taking ur abilify…!!!

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I think it’s almost 5 days ago I took 15 mg abilify. No doubt All 9 M is doing it’s dirty/awesome work. I’m not getting any delusions. Maybe one or two or maybe they are just my thoughts.

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U mean u still don’t take any medication…!

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No, initially I didn’t take it for 30 to 45 days and 5 days ago I took one 15 mg Abilify and after that I didn’t take any till today and I’m not going to take it again unless until I need it. I have 8 tablets with 15 mg Abilify with me. Wow I don’t even need it.

All 9 M

I’m taking two tablets every morning


sometimes I am taking 4 tablets.

And, I am watching Korean, Japanese, Chinese dramas and movies online with English Subtitles

and I am not being negative.

I’m spending all the time before laptop and enjoying life.

My nightmare is not so happening

I am not living in hell anymore.

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Good u are doing good without medication …!!! i think medication iz required as u have lot of positive symptoms …!!

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Hell is no more, but yes failure or relative failure like absence of self sufficiency, girl friend, respectful life etc and etc are totally true, a nightmarish reality. What the hell ??? Who cares ???

As long as I’m no evil, I am too good to be true.

The truth is, I am never evil. Never in my life and never as long as I stay alive.

  • Way One To Go - YES.

Yes. After starting

All 9 M

no more positive symptoms.


Years ago, I heard or read or came up with it on my own, I don’t know/remember…

You will find it where you least expect it !!!

let’s see how long this lasts…!!!

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If it works once, it will work forever.

The laws of our World, the Absolute laws never fail.




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I’m only taking

All 9 M

nothing else.

Nothing special.

But not one tablet

two or four

and, yes it’s awesome.

Mine life are just the opposite …my positive symptoms are manageable whereas cognitive and negative symptoms are unbearable …!!! i still take medication …!! i am on trail and error phase…!!!

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My Dear Friend,

I only know one thing, you are close enough to India

and, I’m sure you can grab some All 9 M from India with the help of your Sister.

Didn’t you say, she’s rich ?

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I spent a little less than 8000 rupees on All 9 M


and ordered 36 strips as I don’t have more than 8,000

and 8,000 rupees can buy 36 strips only

they sent me 18 strips and told me that they will sent

the other 18 after the stock is available.

On they sell it as OTC

OTC Over The Counter

So, you don’t need Prescription from Doctor.

Total freedom of choice.

yes way she iz an Australian citizen …!!! she’s got decent job …!! she iz getting marriage soon we are searching for a nice man in her life we haven’t meet the man yet …After marriage she might help me …
i am just broke now…!!!

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