My experiment with B vitamins may be over

Basically I’m getting all sorts of physical aches and pains.

I was taking just 100mg b1, 600mcg b7 and 100mg b6, a day.

High dose vitamin b6 can cause nerve damage but I thought 100mg was ok. Maybe it wasn’t :neutral_face:

But I don’t know what to blame, so I’m not taking any of them anymore.


I’m sorry it’s not working for you.

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dude that could’ve been toxic amounts of b…did you ask your doctor if it would be ok to dose that much b vitamin? man, glad you stopped anyways…


I don’t know what average doses are. I’m scared to take anything my doctor doesn’t tell me to. I am sorry it didn’t work out. I hope you find something that gets you the results you want.

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I was taking b vitamins every day but started to feel too tense and wacked. No one has ever confirmed that b vitamins can worsen mood or mental health to me except one chemist chick. She said that for people who might have psychotic disorders, it can worsen symptoms. But even doctors that ive talked to about it havent heard that so i dunno whats what haha.

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Can’t you just take 1 b complex?

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You could try to take them occasionally. I take folate about once, maybe two times a week. It takes about 14 days for B-vitamins to clear completely from the body(except B12 which is much longer) so the effect is long lasting.

Theoretically the body disposes of watetersoluble vitamins if it’s more than the body can use, but I believe it can be toxic if overused.

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I’m not a fan of supplements either.

Hope it works out for you.

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The only supplements i use are Vitamin D3 a multi vitamin and prescription Omega 3 fatty acid

Yeah you tend to supplement a lot @everhopeful

I’d be afraid to do this

I’m glad you have decided to no longer take the B Vitamins

It could have done some damage

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@everhopeful I heard that nerve damage can happen on high doses of b6. Since b vitamins are water soluble they wash out of the body quickly so you should be fine. You could wait a few months and start again on lower doses. Sometimes our bodies have a certain level that the supplement is effective without any bad side effects. I have been on b vitamins for over 20 years but i have had to fine tune that dose over the years to gef the benefits without the nerve damage.

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I have to agree. Supplements did my kidneys in. Luckily they re-adjusted after I stopped. Now I only take vitamin d on prescription.


Sorry 2 hear. Sugar is slowly killing me. I’m a binge eater. I have borderline high creatine levels indicating borderline kidney issues

Oh gd to hear ur kidneys are ok

I had do some reading online to understand your issues. It says it could be diabetes related.

I cringe when I hear the word diabetes because being of South Asian UK origin diabetes is in the genes.

Hope you are able to have a healthy diet.

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I caved in after all that and took some B1.

The reason is I feel normal when I take B1 and feel mildly distressed when I don’t.

I’m now pretty sure, the mysterious aches and pains were due to vitamin B6.

Thanks so much. I appreciate the well wishes.

Hopefully you won’t get diabetes. Knowing that your a slight bit more at risk, being south Asian.

I take P5P. its activated b6 and its not supposed to cause nerve damage. regular b6 can actually cause low levels of b6 which causes the nerve problems but activated b6 wont do that. i read that somewhere. havent had any problems so far taking 100mg P5P everyday for months now

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@everhopeful You shouldn’t have any trouble with B1

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I’ve done some basic research and it looks like that might be the case.

I’ll order some as I’m desperate. Like a moth to the flame :fire::fearful:


I can’t take folic acid or b12 , they drive my anxiety through the roof.

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No more then 25mg b6 my dude regardless of form. I think vitamins and minerals especially mentals should cycled unless you are regularly doing blood tests. It might be a good idea to get your b levels test to see where you are at or come off for a week and see if you notice any effect coming off and restarting if you don’t it might not have been doing anything

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