My doctor today

Oh man, was she cute! This petite slim Indian women. If I just listened to her talk without looking at her she sounded like a college girl. And maybe she was. But I had to act appropriately so I didn’t stare but snuck a few glances. She was really nice too and helped me coordinate my ten medications so I take them all correctly at the right times. She was leaving the clinic that day so I’ll never see her again but it was nice to be somewhat attracted to her. Nice to be interested still even at age 60. It was pretty innocent.


Always good to lift your spirits

Yeah, among other things.

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It is fun having a doctor crush. I have one on my cardiologist. He’s not especially good looking, but he’s SO smart, and direct, and has a sarcastic wit. Good conversation. All very attractive qualities for me.

At least it makes dragging myself to an annoying appointment more fun.


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