My diagnoses

Are: Insomnia, psychoses, schizoaffective, bipolar type. Contact me if you have any questions on how I deal with it.


I have psychosis too. It’s not fun.

Yes I keep thinking I will be kidnapped. In 10 years.

That’s scary. What led you to thinking that? Mine was an internal voice. And visions.

My reasoning that the only way there was a voice in my head was by an electromagnetic frequency. Like how a radio works. Your sounds scary too. I hope it’s not too bad.

It’s pretty bad. I thought about killing myself. Because I’m scared I’ll go to hell if they get me and make me kill people or be responsible for their deaths. But I’m scared I’ll still go to a bad hell if I kill myself too. So I’m stuck.

How do you deal with insomnia,. I have that.

I take 1.5mg of clonazepam so I can sleep.

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I get prescribed trazadone. I don’t really have insomnia. It’s just written in my chart.

oh, I tried Trazodone, it didn’t work for me. I started at 25mg and went up to 125mg, at that dose it made my eyelids and lips twitch.

That sucks. Did you try Benadryl?

Invega 100mg makes both my eye lids twitch.

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Yeah,I tried benadryl but developed a tolerance after a few days and it stopped working. It only put me to sleep for a few hours anyways when it did work. The last time I took it I tried 175mg and it didn’t make me sleep at all, so I stopped taking it.

What about eating a Chipotle burrito or burrito bowl? It puts me in a food coma and I sleep.

lol, no food doesn’t do it for me. Someone told me to eat a bunch of Turkey, that didn’t work either.

I’ve tried a lot of different medications and herbal remedies to sleep and none of them really worked. Clonazepam is the only thing that has worked satisfactorily, I’ve been on it for 4 months, but I am slowly developing a tolerance to it and it is not working as well as it use too.

I was just wondering if you had a solution I haven’t heard about.

I’m thinking about asking my doctor about Seroquel, I heard good things about that for insomnia and I haven’t tried that yet.

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Yes Seroquel makes me tired. I tried it before. But it gives me wacky creepy dreams sometimes.

Thanks for the heads up. I’d rather have sleep with weird dreams than no sleep at all.

The type of Insomnia I experience is the worst thing I have ever experienced, it’s brutal, and when I don’t sleep for a few days I feel like crap and want to die.

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Sorry to hear that @Headspark Must be hard.

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Thanks @flowers20, yeah, it is hard.

Exactly this. Lack of sleep is literally a form of torture.

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What I’m struggling with is I feel like an outsider. Like I’m a bad person and you’re all good. I feel like I was a terrorist. Like they will force me to be in North Korea for my bad behavior.