My dad thinks my boyfriend is using me

My boyfriend is great.

I want to marry him.
Best sex and makes me laugh which is difficult.

Compliments me and is so sweet.

But he almost broke up with me for calling my x boyfriend and telling him I’m in a relationship.
My dad thinks that is controlling and wrong.

Also he said I look ridiculous when I had black lipstick on and said my legs are fat and stomach too.

He says I’m beautiful though so that balances that out😜.

He says he loves me every day which is great.

But he is planning on renting his apartment and living with me and he didn’t ask me if that’s ok.

He said if I tell the woman who owns the apartment he will break up with me so I can’t tell her.

My dad thinks he is using me to live rent free and get a income by renting his place out.

My dad has not met him but is worried about what he hears.

My boyfriend has also accused me of having another man at my place and of being on a dating site still which I’m not.

He has called me a bimbo but I laughed it off.

He also seems to expect me to be “obedient “ and submissive.

I mostly let my x boyfriend be l Adler in house but it’s against my upbringing and when he wouldn’t let me be vegan I left .

I’m so happy with my boyfriend and we both fell so quickly and I had ant to marry him but I’m a touch worried.

He is talking about moving hours away from me and I don’t know what he is planning.

He said it’s to soon to speak of marriage but he may want to marry me one day.

Also I could get in trouble not being honest with my former stepmother who owns the apartment.

I think I love her more than my parents but she would probably not approve of my boyfriend living in her apartment for free.

If she finds out I didn’t tell her about it she might kick me out and I would have nowhere to live and become homeless and and have to turn to government housing list and become broke.

I live a very comfortable lifestyle because she lets me live there.
I could never afford rent there but get it cheaper.

I can’t say no to my boyfriend I just can’t and he said if I tell her about it he will break up with me.

My father is really worried.

He thinks my boyfriend is controlling and using me.

He is so good to me otherwise and has given me love letters and cooked for me and he goes down on me often which my x boyfriend refused to do.ha ha ha it works both ways hey.

There are so many red flags here I don’t even know where to start. He planned on moving in with you before asking you if that’s okay? That is a deal breaker in it’s own right.

Look, I want people to be happy, but if I remember correctly you haven’t been dating this guy for too long, like under 4 months? I know some people find happiness and get married or move in together quick, and some end up really happy. With that being said, there are so many warning signs this guy is giving off.

Calling you fat is not offset by telling you you’re beautiful. That’s a trick abusers like to use, but at the end of the day it is still abuse. Forcing you into a situation where you could lose your apartment is abusive. Accusing you of cheating with zero evidence is a sign of insecurity, but I would classify that as abusive in the given context.

It sounds like you are trying to rationalize his crappy behavior by saying “he does good things too.” I know this isn’t what you want to here, but don’t just walk away, run away… Fast.

I am genuinely worried about your safety with this guy. Please listen to your dad, you deserve better and this guy is heading into scary territory very quick.


Don’t let him move in with you.


Yeah, I wouldn’t let him move in. Not yet. Give it some more time. How long have you been together?


You gotta look out for red flags before you get too serious with anybody. I dont even recommend that you give up the goods to anybody until you have a good idea as to what they are all about.

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Thank you for your replies.

I just can’t say no to him.

He said if I don’t change he will propose to me in the future.

I’m gonna be real with you. Your boyfriend is garbage and he is definitely controlling. You need to get out of that relationship asap. Threatening you every time you do something against his wishes with a break up? Absolutely toxic. Not to mention wanting you to be obedient and insulting you to keep you in line. Who cares if he throws in a few I love yous every now and then? Actions speak louder than words and his actions are poor.


He reminds me of someone that I stay out of sight from now. At any cost, do you not feel how damaging he is, if someone was like that to me I’d also run, not walk away


Judging from what you have described of his behaviour, this man is of low quality. He may be good looking and be neat in sex, but he shows no respect to you as a human. He sounds like a controlling freak.
Once you get into a marriage with this man, you will be no longer a human but a slave. I’d say Throw this garbage out of your life as soon as possible.


People Who Try to Control Other People is Morally Corrupt.

So Be Careful Around Those Who Want to Control You.

It Could Be Dangerous.

Remember to Stay Safe.


Take a timeout for a week with no sex and listen to the chatter to find out the truth.

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This guy sounds like a nightmare. If someone treatwd me like this I would drop them so fast!


My sister said her ex husband was “perfect” for the first 6 months

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@SacredNeigh7 I worry people take advantage of you. Please take care with your relationships


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