Nights in White Satin, by Justin Hayward; All Along the Watch Tower, by Bob Dylan; and Jazz Sequences, by Willard A. Palmer.
I do so enjoy playing rock over classical. But, I’m not going to stop playing classical.
Nights in White Satin, by Justin Hayward; All Along the Watch Tower, by Bob Dylan; and Jazz Sequences, by Willard A. Palmer.
I do so enjoy playing rock over classical. But, I’m not going to stop playing classical.
Very cool. I’m impressed by your efforts at learning new songs. Very impressive.
Sounds good! I’m happy for you that you found the piano. It’s such a great instrument. You can play out your thoughts and emotions on it. It’s very therapeutic. Now I just need to motivate myself to get back to playing.
I encourage you to do so, @LilyoftheValley.
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