My coworker is out to get me

She watched me put my ID and passcode into the register. She’s going to sabotage my work somehow. I just know it.

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Can you tell your boss ? They might change your passcode.

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I’m going to ask tomorrow if I can change it

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What should I say about why I want to change it?

just say another employee saw it


Ok. I don’t want to start anything. I have to be careful


Yes. What @Leaf said.

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yes, you have to be careful, you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

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No. But I don’t want anyone to be able to sabotage me either

that’s true too, people could do stuff under your number and you could get into trouble for it.

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Right. I think she stood over my shoulder so she could get my number and log in as me. She probably wants to steal money. I heard her on the phone talking to someone about not having any money. She also got high during our shift and reeked of weed afterwards


oh no, a problem employee.

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Yep. I’m a little freaked out about it

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i can see why, just get your code changed and steer clear of her

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Well, that’s a little paranoid but I guess it’s in the realm of possibility. It sounds like she not supposed to see it? If employees should not see each others passcode and ID than maybe you should request new ones and be more careful no one sees it in the future?
I don’t want to confuse the matter but would the manager get mad at you for requesting new ones? Or would they get mad that you let another employee see it?

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You want to ensure it is not compromised.


I don’t know, she could get mad either way.

Yes?.., Compromising is Important…, But Not Too Far…, Know When to Draw The Line… :expressionless:

I would just brush it off as paranoia. There is not much another employee can do with your ID. Any job I’ve ever worked employees have stood close when entering clock-in info. That’s especially true in a small store.

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You have to enter it in to ring up customers charges. If they pay cash, the drawer opens and money can be stolen. It’s a problem. But I didn’t want to be confrontational when she stood over my shoulder.

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