I guess a therapist would see a point in the fact that both were dead things (a puppet and a corpse) that suddenly were ignited to life by science and art.
Has anyone seen the movie where Frankenstein’s monster is played by Boris Karloff? It’s a heartbreaking movie.
Or the the old italian adaptation of Pinocchio “il aventura di pinocchio” ? It’s a masterpiece.
I saw the first 10 minutes @NotSeksoEmpirico … It looks good, it has a very special mood and awesome scenography / light.
I know you have read Laing, since you recommended him to me-
There seems to be a certain obsession with dead things coming alive among people suffering from sz and related illnesses.
One of Laings most important insights was the description of the lack of selfhood in people suffering from sz. This lack of selfhood could lead to an interest in things like a Golem. Pinocchio, Frankensteins monster and so on. Dead things, stuff with no interior suddenly brimming with life / selfhood,
They rereleased Pinocchio in theaters when I was little and it was the first movie I ever saw in theaters and it scared the absolute ■■■■ out of me when the pleasure island stuff came on.