My caseworker

My caseworker said to me today. “I think you wanna be sick”. That really pissed me off!!


Getting called a lazy hypochondriac? That’s nothing new - it’s called stigma.



That would piss me off. That is unacceptable.

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That is extremely hurtful
I’m sorry that you had to experience that.
My father has said this to me before.

It’s ignorant and callous

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Why did he say that?

One of my psychiatrists told me that. I left him.

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Mine told me that I am causing my sz negative symptoms, that I want to stay in bed all my life lmao Stupid


Sorry to hear that Sheryl. A couple of weeks ago my therapist said I lied, and she thought the clinic should be drug testing me. I finally saw what I texted her when I was drunk, and I see now why she thought I lied.

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