My Brother Tom’s Schizophrenia. ( gets a mention)

If you Google “How to convince someone with schizophrenia to get treatment,” you discover a vast network of distraught families grappling for answers. When met with resistance by a person in the grip of psychosis, experts advise, try to work around rigid beliefs rather than attempting to dismantle them. Don’t argue with delusions, and don’t focus on points of contention. Listen respectfully and empathize. On the message boards at, people weigh the merits and dangers of coercion, even its harshest forms



Did this come up on your feed? Or did you go looking for articles?

I have googled schizophrenia so many times and I’ve never seen a schizophrenia story pop of up on my news feed.

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This forum is a great tool for staying grounded in reality, at least for me. I’m glad it got mentioned!


That’s a very sad article. :cry:


The author of The New Yorker article has a book coming out on May 21st.


Yeah I just finished reading the whole thing. It seems like he was not med-compliant… I have to hope that if someone like that gets treatment and medicine, things can turn out better. I flirted with homelessness before recovering to a point where my family enjoys having me around. Medicine is so important.


Go to and search for “schizophrenia”

Love this about a young man that think he’s sick and gets help from his sibling. I wish my situation were similar, but my sister has work and take care of her kids. :slightly_frowning_face:

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