my cognitive abilities are very good.
i can concentrate as much as i need
read study… i am just not good to some subjects like science. becouse i wasnt studying good at school… i was always drawing during lessons
my cognitive abilities are very good.
i can concentrate as much as i need
read study… i am just not good to some subjects like science. becouse i wasnt studying good at school… i was always drawing during lessons
but i learned to read i can develop my skills wich ones do i need
My mind is pretty good most times without stress. Put stress in the equation and I do poorly.
No offence. I don’t work. That really does my head in and I’m way too old and poorly situated to try. I always did practical, physical work and I can’t do that anymore. Not with the stress…
So. I suspect you have your issues too. It’s a journey with sz but you can be successful. You really can.
I used to think I didn’t study enough at science too. I later found out I was merely better at something else. My cognitive power kept going to very recently too. Don’t waste it.
What’s your secret to keep your brain well?Antipsychotic slows down my brain a lot,and my asocial personality doesn’t help either
My cognitive abilities have taken a hit since developing schizophrenia. I feel very ashamed and embarrassed. I just don’t want to admit it, makes me feel like only half the person i used to be. I find that when i concentrate on one thing, something else suffers as i’ve had to divert my limited attention away from it. I am in between jobs at the moment, but i do know that i become dissociated more when i’ve been at work. Tires out my brain and i start becoming catatonic. Still, i’m glad that your cognitive abilities are good. There’s always something we’re not good at. I contrast to you i was good as science, but i sucked at sport.
you have to understand how your brain works(when it learns)
you have to put for yourself not tooo challenging tasks that you can with small effort to will be more motivated to do more this way. and make challenges bigger. if you cannot achive bigger challenges lower you challenge
picking the goal you want to achive . finding your weakness . and finding how to work on them
brain likes to be in comfort zone . brain doesnt like to change when it gets what it needs without effort.
its like muscle you train. first you dont like to move. but in muscles its different you see how they grow. brain changes aswell. so its good to monitor your success
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