My Bathroom And Me

Need a good cleaning, I have no motivation :scream: :sob:



I see the shaving cream can AND the electric shaver. I need both to shave as well. The straight razor just doesn’t do the trick.

And it looks like you could open your own Pharmacy there! :wink:

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old unused medications need to clean that out

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I admit I also don’t look after my bathroom

It was better when the gym was open as I could use their facilities and not make a mess here

I put bleach down the toilet once a week, but the rest of it only gets done every so often

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I fell asleep and did nothing so far :frowning:

Do 1 thing a day. Like today, clean off the shelf. Throw away old meds and organize it. Tomorrow clean the sink. Then the next day do the tub. You’ll get it done that way :slight_smile:


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