I am very worried for her, I don’t think it’s that bad, diet might help, but I am not in contact with her, she lives in my father’s country of birth and is the eldest in the family. We rely on her to preserve the family traditions.
I like to think of my aunt as being the old woman that Jason helped across the river Anauros where he lost one of his sandals.
Polyxeni is a Greek name
I should explain. My cousin Jason used to be addicted to cocaine.
Cocaine addiction and dementia are opposites with respect to dopamine.
Cocaine in the brain: In the normal neural communication process, dopamine is released by a neuron into the synapse, where it can bind to dopamine receptors on neighboring neurons. Normally, dopamine is then recycled back into the transmitting neuron by a specialized protein called the dopamine transporter. If cocaine is present, it attaches to the dopamine transporter and blocks the normal recycling process, resulting in a buildup of dopamine in the synapse, which contributes to the pleasurable effects of cocaine.
The dopamine found in the VTA is a chemical that plays a role in reward-motivated behavior, and helps to control movement and form new memories. Scientists have found that loss of dopamine may be part of the reason why people with Alzheimer’s disease have less effective memories.
Prof. Veronika Lukacs-Kornek - IEI Bonn
Research Interests Prof. Veronika Lukacs - Kornek . Research Interests. Stromal cell populations within secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) guide immune cell migration and play a complex immunoregulatory role in an arising immune response.
Profile - Veronika Lukacs-Kornek - PeerJ
Summary. Veronika Lukacs - Kornek , is a Junior professor for molecular immunology and gastroenterology at the University of Saarland, Germany and the Sofja …
Prof. Dr. Dr. Veronika Lukacs-Kornek - AcademiaNet
Lukacs - Kornek V, Schuppan D. Dendritic cells in liver injury and fibrosis: Shortcomings and promises. J Hepatol. 2013 May 29. pii: S0168-8278(13)00365-6.
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dendritic cells stromal cells immune regulation. Antigen Presentation. stromal cell biology. Immune Tolerance. Stromal Cells. tolerance. fibroblastic reticular cells.
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Veronika Lukacs - Kornek is the author of this article in the Journal of Visualized Experiments: "Isolation and Enrichment of Liver Progenitor Subsets Identified by …
Veronika LUKACS-KORNEK | MD, PhD | Universität des …
Veronika LUKACS - KORNEK of Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken (UKS) | Read 92 publications | Contact Veronika LUKACS - KORNEK .
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Street drugs including weed shrinks the brain and can cause dementia long-term. I learned this in university psychology courses, research studies and science magasines. MRI scan of addicts brains before and after drug use show smaller brains. Studies with mice also show brain shrinking with long term drug use.
I’m a big believer in the network theory of health that Nicholas Christakis wrote about. There are two famous uses of the name Polyxeni. One is a film about an adopted orphan in Istanbul and the other is an Instagram model famous for dating an American Football star after being spotted with Harry Styles. I’m convinced these two things have combined and distorted the dialectic so that my Aunt has become ill. I’m not sure what to do about it
So I am convinced that the combination of the publicity seeking Instagram model and the movie, baring my Auntie’s name are the disruptive cause of my Aunt’s suffering from dementia. The director of the movie was called Dora. There is a Greek princess called Theodora and my Aunt was married to a man called Theodoras who was killed during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The disruptive combination of the movie and the Instagram model bringing the name to the U.S. medias attention is the cause I’m sure.
Within ten years, the first aging reversal therapies that actually work will have passed their final stage clinical trials. They may only add five extra years of so to life, but they point to a future in which humans can potentially live for much greater extended periods of time.
I find the issue of healing fascinating and far from obvious about what is the best course of action.
Within sickness there are lessons and within lessons attachments. Death is the ultimate form of transcendence from attachments.
Is the idea of healing to ensure a good death or a prolonged life?
I know two people suffering from dementia at present, one is Aunty Polyxeni, and the other, a family friend who was a doctor.
Dementia is a loss of self-narrative. Psychologically it comes from failure to adapt to changing accounts of history with reference to self. I see it as coming externally from the world reinterpreting itself in a way that excludes the sufferer who finds they cannot hold on to their interpretation in the face of such change.
Of course there are biochemical changes too, but fundamentally I see the spiritual dimension as a resistance to change.
Change is a part of life, but there can be constructive change and destructive change, and it may be that for one person the change is the former and for another, the change the latter.
Thus dementia can be viewed as an injustice if it stems from changes that benefit someone else at the sufferer’s expense.
However, dementia usually affects the old, and dementia is usually the result of the new generation making changes that disrupt the older generation.
This brings me back to the question of aging reversal, and whether the aim of healing is to ensure a good death or a prolonged life.
Maybe the answer is both.
Fundamentally, healing is about removing suffering, helping people learn the lessons of their sickness and transcend them.
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