Ever since an extremely strange sleep paralysis event in the late 90’s
and becoming of aware of what philosophers refer to as ‘synchronicity’
I have been in and out of many psychiatrists offices
They could never completely diagnose me as crazy however in not so many words
let on that I was too smart for my own good and provided me with a medication that’s similar
to a non-addictive Valuum ; same little blue pill moms were known to be addicted too during the sixities
for probably the same reasons.
On the other side of depression and anxiety I’ve found that which used to disturb me has now become a
novel pass time and the only thing about this existence that makes it interesting.
Here, on the other side of insanity my advice is this
Accept that stranger sciences exist
Don’t surrender, instead explore and research - were you really meant to be crazy? Maybe you were meant to be a scientist…
The more you accept, the less you stress, the less active your mind is and the less contiguous it becomes thereby slowing visual and audible glitches because you’re no longer ‘crossing wires’ as often or as to the extremes in which you do when you are upset and panicking.
Refuse being a helpless victim, instead appreciate your uncanny circumstances and learn more about them to become a hero.