My 4k tv came in today so excited

Just came in today but cant open it until wednesday my birthday sucks cant wait. Its cheap too if want to buy it heres the link


Looks good. Sorry you have to wait. :smile::smile::smile:

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Cant wait to hook it up to my xbox, its going to be sweet just two more days.


omg, how exciting. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, la la la this is gonna be greatttt

Wow that is cheap. For similar TV in England would be around £350. I liked strolling through the Walmart website. You can get everything there. This is what a U.K. shopping website looks like if anybody is interested.

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I want to get one of those goku tvs

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HDR is really impressive.

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Dang that’s nice!

Wish we had a Walmart

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I know im glad i found one at this price.

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4K is nice! I’ve got a 55 inch downstairs that my daughter laid claim to. I get to use it infrequently.

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Cool, thats great.

I had that same tv but an older model non hdr for 3 years with no problems, sceptre makes good stuff, I have a monitor form them as well, have fun with it!!


Yea I got a 65 inch qled 4ktv samsung hdr wide colour quantum dot but that thing cost two and a half thousand still paying it off had it for about a month now.


so what mine so cheap


170$ is a very good deal. We got an RCA 4K 55" for 390$CA in 2016 but its not HDR. Its still working great but I don’t watch TV though, I am on my cellphone most of the time. My family use it.


TVs got so much cheaper, I remember we paid 2500$ for a 37" LCD back in 2004-2005.

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I dont why this tv is cheap i hope its good. it has a 4star rating on walmart.


I think its good. My cousin has a TCL and its also good.


That’s awesome! The wait will be worth it

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when get an xbox series x, on 4k 120fps its going be great cant wait. I wait next month because its sold out everywhere.