Hey sorry for starting another topic in my first day, but i mentioned earlier that i used to have an extremely close friend who was possibly even more unhealthy than me and we would feed into each other’s delusions. He was actually more of a brother, we had really similar ways of thinking and would hang out every single day for years. One of the things we would tell each other all the time is that music is evil and it’s a trap that prevents us from thinking our own thoughts. I realized that ive been going back to this belief recently, and over the weekend i told myself that i would never listen to music again. I noticed that i have music playing ib my head literally ALL THE ■■■■■■■ TIME and it NEVER STOPS. Like every song ive heard in my life is playing in my head without my permission and nothing i try can ever make it stop. Is this something that other people experience? Im a musician and listen to music all the time so maybe it’s a real problem, idk. I decided to start listening to music again today and it feels normal and healthy now. Was i deluded or is it actually an evil poisonous addiction that takes away control of your thoughts?
It feels unhealthy to be listening to music all the time though. Before recording technology people would only experience music when it was being played live, so it was very limiting, only musicians experienced it every day, and some of them went insane like schumann. Our exposure to music isnt historically precedented and music itself has really gone in a completely unfathomable direction. Isnt it reasonable to think this is a massive psychological problem?
This for me is a good thing, and why I am constantly listening to something
My thoughts are not pleasant and are evil
I think maybe ive just overdone it. When i was in high school, literally the entire time i was a teenager, i was listening to music nonstop, at school, at home, even while i was sleeping. Every single ■■■■■■■ day. I never dealt with silence, ever. This doesnt seem healthy to me.
Depends on what you listen to
I used to listen to very angry metal, but now I listen to all genres and appreciate the talent we have
Get on a music streaming service and try out stuff you wouldn’t normally listen to
Music is plentiful, and no one has a monopoly on it
Maybe your library has stagnated?
I found this many times, and my tastes are constantly evolving
Idk, ive listened to every type of music i could find. I ran out of american/western genres a long long time ago and started listening to traditional music from every country, liturgical chant, thai country music, brazilian forro, generative electronics, etc. It’s all music. But i think human beings need to have silence sometimes. Silence is the default state and if you deprive yourself of the default then you have no ground to stand on. I willfully deprived myself of the default for many years and didnt start listening to silence until my twenties. I get that silence can feed the evil thoughts, but when im outside and i can just listen to the birds and insects that’s the most peaceful state in the world. Music cant possibly compare to the sounds of nature. It’s the most unpredictable and mesmerizing noise. It’s infinitely complex and transcends rhythm and melody.
This is very true! I don’t get out much into nature
Most places I go have humans there, who I’d rather drown out with music
Sorry if i sound pretentious and insufferable, i honestly hate being that guy, but what im trying to say is that i literally dont know a style of music that i havent explored. Maybe im wrong, but if i am please show me something that could change my mind. This post was intended to be more of a philosophical investigation into the psychological consequences of music in general.
Sorry I derailed it
Perhaps a new thread is in order. Music has and has had a massive place in my life, and has influenced me and conversely my mind has changed the music I listen to. It’s a subject I would be interested in hearing about.
Lyrics are capable of being evil, I think. Instrumental music is not.
Music’s a big thing for me and has been for a long time. It’s just it hasn’t always been a good friend in terms of dark and angry music and just being obsessed with it, overall. I’d really like to think that even though there were certain artists I’d tell people that messed me up, I was just looking for an excuse to get back into them. So, yes in that sense, it can be “evil”.
Yeah, music is from satan to angels…; - )
IDK. When I was in high school we listened to Aerosmith and Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin while getting drunk or smoking pot. I never gave it much thought, I just listened and took a swig of beer or a hit off the bong. It definitely wasn’t evil, on the contrary, it was quite pleasurable.
I see your point about listening constantly to music. I usually have music on in my apartment and the radio on in my car. Sometimes I think it’s not good for me but I still don’t think music is inherently evil or bad for you unless you listen to it too much. I think silence is good sometimes and it’s good to take a break from listening to it.
Most modern music sucks ass, but generally speaking I love music from about 1950-2000, all kinds of genres. There is some music after 2000 that I like but after that it seems to have consistently gone downhill.
Ive been listening to elliott smith every day for the past few weeks and i noticed that the demon has been repeating his music to me lately nonstop, but changing the lyrics to be more sinister than the original, and it’s threatening me. It’s elliott smith’s voice but singing more evil words. I think his music may have been demonically inspired. I try to stop listening to his songs but they never stop playing in my head so it doesnt accomplish anything. I cant listen to anything else either, it all sounds like it’s trying to corrupt my thoughts but then if i dont listen to anything it gets even worse. I feel weird and have a piercing headache right now, ive been trying to get more sleep but i keep waking up early and i cant fall asleep again. I hate elliott smith, i wish he never made these songs.
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