Muscles using insanely long time to recover because of medications

A couple of days ago I used a stationary exercise bike for 15 minutes, I noticed afterwards that my legs were tired. Then today I tried the bike again, my legs got tired really fast, like they haven’t fully recovered from the first session.

The same with strength training; I can’t do it. I tried waiting a week between muscle groups and ate plently of protein. I felt weaker on the second session.

This is the medications doing it, I never had this problem before medications.

I’m gonna try running, and I hope that works, as its more your heart working than your muscles I think.

It’s really annoying when you try to improve yourself but you can’t because of the ■■■■■■■ medications.


I’ve not ever experienced this before and I’ve been on a variety of APs over the years. That’s odd. Have you discussed this with your doctor?

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I also think, that the meds are bad for our bodies in fact :confused: … But for now, i am subscribed to them…
Me too i had some bad physical side effects on them… You are not alone, but i guess with this severe illness, some sacrifice is needed :frowning:
I hope this helps, we are friends in this struggle and theres still happiness for us here. But i know, me too i am aware that the meds are bad for my body still… My healthy friends, who know a bit about this, say it openly too…

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I have not. But I’ve googled it before and have found others with the same problem from APs.

Yeah, meds are definitely noot good for our bodies. But like you said, that’s a sacrifice we maybe have to make.

This really bugs me, cause I want to exercise. I want to try something that doesn’t tire the muscles a lot and where the heart does most of the job. Maybe running?

Yeap:(… Me, i started to have a white hair for example on my face and i am sure its the meds. I have high cholesterol too and a bit of bad liver enzymes now… My metabolism is slowed down too, its sure… But it was also hard, that all my partners couldnt accept, that i am ill, that i am in pain and that i really need meds… They even blamed me for all this… The healthy ones just still dream about us. While my docs said, that i am a very severe case and that even if my meds dont help much now, i’ll be even worse without them… This illness is not a joke lol…Well, it happened to us, i guess even this is ok… Follow your docs and try to be happy and above the illness too. Many people have other severe diseases too, but we can feel fine with it too i think… All the best!!!

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Your heart is also a muscle. Maybe start with long brisk walks. Magnesium might also help.

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and i admire you for your exercising. You should feel better with it, even if its harder now…
Me too i plan to work on my body one day because of the sz, but i am on ready still unfortunately :confused: I have negatives and still get too sad and afraid to the point, that i cant even move lol… But maybe i am just a bit lazy too lol…

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I’ve had problems ever since I started Invega, my muscles get tired very easily like I have no muscle endurance, it can be frustrating.

You need go on your stationary bike every 2nd day depending on the intensity of cycling. 1 day is needed for recovery. Depending on your age, fitness level, weight and gender, all of these factor into your recovery period.

Eating protein is good but you need to rest, recuperate and regenerate your muscles. Again it takes 24-48 hours to recover. When you enter REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, there was some sort of brain neuro-chemical that is released to allow your muscle to recover.

As your fitness level improves & weight goes does, your RHR (resting heart rate) will lower requiring less exertion from your heart. This means you can increase the intensity, speed & duration of your exercises at the same heart rate as if you were exercising at your previous level.

@magz What medication are you taking?

5mg olanzapine 1mg ripseridone

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That seems to be a low dosage of anti-psychotic medication. I am unsure how those medications affect your physical activity but you could try to take incremental steps in your exercise endeavor.

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Yes, medications turned me into a vegetable. Could be the experience of psychosis as well. I take the same medication for over 10 years and halfed it recently, I am interested to be part of the whole again and look forward to next year to exercise properly.

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