Muggle bigot wisdom !?!

my sister in law was chatting to a group of her ’ gold coast friends ', they actually believed and honestly thought that all sz people were born ’ ugly '… my sister in law was dumb founded and speechless…and so am i !?!
feel free to comment.
take care

They must be crazy to think that…bizarre.

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That’s weird. I’m good looking and nuts.


Yeah many people tell me that I am handsome - I always had no trouble attracting the opposite sex, maintaining a relationship was difficult because of my MI - life is so unfair

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I did grow ‘ugly’ with the coming of my schizophrenia. I think it was because of my discomfort around people + within myself. However I wasn’t born that way.


i should add, when i was born the doctor turned round to my mother and slapped her…so maybe there is some truth to it…lol
take care


I really baffled me how many people hold very obviously stupid beliefs such as this. Sometimes I want to glue my hand to my forehead so that I don’t have to repeatedly put it there in exasperation.

Some of it is just so obvious that its incredible that “normal” people can be so ignorant.

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Most of the more attractive people in my family have either Schizophrenia or MS.

Those people are nothing more than bigots as you said. I wouldn’t give them any further thought.

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