I need a new computer…ours right now has windows 7 and can’t be made to accept any new programs…so there will be the stimulus package to help out…next I have always wanted a 12 string guitar that I also plan on buying…the rest in groceries…what do you need that you look forward to?
I’ve been doing a bit of research on paints. The ones I have initially bought are way too expensive for me. (Windsor n Newton)
I’ve ordered this other cheaper one, just one tube to test it out.
Looking forward to trying it out, and hoping for the best!
Likewise for watercolour paper
Recently my daughter has had a turn of bad luck, I’ve been helping her out even more than usual. I have my one credit card charged to $1000. I just want to pay it off. She has a family of four so she’ll be getting the $3400. I’m so happy for her, they really need it right now to get back on their feet.
Nothing beats the sound of an open G or C on a 12 string guitar!
The only hassle is those buggers can be awfully hard to keep in tune! My favourite sounding instrument by far, though.
I just bought a concentrator so I’m not in the market for any big purchases for awhile.
If I get anything, I’ll just put my stash in the bank. Along with another couple of checks I received in the mail yesterday.
I want a pair of new headphones. But for now I’m saving what I can. Once I get a job I’ll be thinking more about what I want. Right now just being complacent, and I’m okay with that.
there is a lot of stuff i want. a road bicycle, a smart tv, a mandolin. lots of stuff, i may just end up spending the stimulus on christmas presents though. and the rest pay toward my mortgage.
I need a new electric piano. Mine is over 25 years old. It uses floppy disks.
thanks @anon39054230 I used to always have a 12 string but I moved one time and left it behind…that was almost 16 years ago…love the sound of the 12 string too !!
I just want to have some kind of cushion to fall back on. I have bad spending habits, no matter how good my intentions, so we live paycheck to paycheck. The stimulus package will let us save up enough for an extra rent payment, plus put some money towards a credit card (either mine or hubby’s- doesn’t matter, really).
I also would love a road bicycle. Not sure if I want to risk buying online so I may just go to a bicycle shop and pay a little more to get a good one.
Otherwise I don’t need anything else.
yeah we have a place here called “cyclops” a bike shop where they fix up nice old road bikes and sell them. they may even have new, but they mainly do used older bikes. im thinking i will go in there and buy a nice used one. they still get a little pricey even used. i would be willing to spend up to $800 dollars for a nice used bike.
I’ve also decided that I don’t need a road bicycle with 20 gears. I’ve read that ten is all you need. I’d also spend a little money on a repair kit and a decent helmet. Probably won’t go Spandex but you never know.
mom and dad have the bike shorts and they say it really helps their butt on the seat. i got to agree they are a little ridiculous looking.
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